How to get the most out of skip hire

Have you got plans to renovate your bathroom, spruce up your garden, or clear out the loft?

The chances are you’ll be left with a lot of waste and unwanted items to dispose of – usually, too much to squeeze into your wheelie bin!

Whilst leftover construction materials and planters, garden furniture, toys, and clothes that are as good as new can all be donated to friends and family or charity shops, certain items will need to be taken to your local recycling centre.

The good news is, we have the perfect solution for disposing of waste materials – guaranteed to save you time, effort, and money in the long run…

Hiring a skip!

Skips can be delivered to an address of your choice, at a time that suits you. Once the skip has arrived, you can begin filling it with waste straight away, and arrange to have it collected as soon as it’s full.

Unfortunately, though, there are a few things you need to be mindful of when booking a skip, to ensure your project runs as smoothly as possible and you don’t end up incurring penalties for not adhering to stringent skip hire regulations.

Allow us to share some of the most common blunders people make and what you can do to make sure you get the most out of your skip hire in Canterbury, or wherever you may be. 

4 common skip hire mistakes and how to avoid them

1. Choosing the wrong skip size

Trying to estimate how much space you’ll need in a skip before you start your project can be tricky. But if you hire one that’s too small, you may end up needing to hire a second or third skip to accommodate the excess materials – costing you more money and time.

Overloading a skip can be extremely dangerous, as items could fall out while our fleet driver is transporting your full skip to the nearest recycling centre – potentially putting members of the public at risk of injury.

On the other hand, if you go for a skip that’s too big, you’ll end up paying for additional disposal space that you don’t need. You might also discover that there’s not enough room for it on your premises, leaving you with no option but to position it on the road (meaning you’ll have to carry materials further to dispose of them, and pay more for a permit).

Top tip: To make sure you order the right-sized skip, you need to consider the type and volume of waste your project is likely to produce. Ask yourself if any items can be squashed down to free up space inside the skip, allowing you to hire a smaller one.

2. Failure to obtain a permit

Deciding where to position your skip when it arrives is a big decision. 

If you have a driveway, you may consider asking the skip company to place it on your drive – but, if that’s the case, where will you park your car?

If you don’t have a drive or enough access for the skip driver to position the skip safely on your private land, you might have to leave it on the road in front of your house.

Something that you may not be aware of if you’re new to skip hire is that you’ll need to apply for a permit from the local council – otherwise, you could be on the receiving end of a fine!

Top tip: If you have ample space on your drive or private property, you don’t need to worry about getting a permit. If you haven’t got a driveway, or you’d simply prefer for the skip to be left on the road, you must pay for a skip permit before your skip is delivered. This is something that you can do yourself, but you could ask your chosen skip firm if they can do it on your behalf and add the price to the overall cost of your skip hire. 

3. Loading everything into the skip 

Many people make the mistake of tossing everything into the skip without a second thought. However, certain materials require special handling and disposal – including (but not limited to) asbestos, batteries, chemicals, mattresses, medicines, and solvents.

If you throw items into the skip without sorting them first, it’s worth noting that you may be fined for not complying with strict skip hire regulations.

Top tip: It will probably take you a few minutes extra, but always sort through your waste materials before you put anything in the skip. Break down any large, bulky items so you can fit more in, and if you’re unsure whether something can go in the skip or not, don’t just hope for the best. Contact the skip company to make sure.

4. Not hiring from a reliable skip firm

Time and time again, people rush into hiring a skip from the first company they come across – allowing them to get started with their project ASAP.

However, not all of them offer the same level of service and quality, and this can often be reflected in the cost of their services.

Top tip: Take some time to do some research. Read online reviews and ask friends and family for word-of-mouth recommendations of reliable firms they’ve used in the past. It’s also in your best interest to check they have the appropriate insurance cover and up-to-date waste licenses. 

Ideally, you want to choose a reputable company, like TW Services, which has an extensive range of skip sizes to choose from. They pride themselves on offering affordable skip hire in Canterbury (with no hidden fees!) and make the process of booking a skip even more convenient for you, thanks to their online booking system.

